Finn ut hvor lett det er å komme i gang. Maksimere WebAssign-opplevelsen og sørg for en jevn start på det nye begrepet. Med WebAssign får du de beste undervisningsverktøyene til markedsledende kalkulatorbøker, overlegen studentstøtte og omfattende fakultetets ressurser. WebAssign jobber med deg for å opprette et tilpasset laboratorium, eller vedta et av våre ferdige laboratorier. Ny student til WebAssign Finn ut hvor lett det er å komme i gang. WebAssign er en kraftig digital løsning designet av lærere for å berike lærings - og lærerfaring. WebAssign gir omfattende innhold, umiddelbar vurdering og overlegen støtte. I Spotlight Instruktør Spotlight: Inne i Math Classroom Se hvordan fem innovative WebAssign brukere forbedrer matematikk klasserommet. Lær tips for å engasjere studenter og få mest mulig ut av WebAssigns fleksible funksjoner. Last ned nå Åpne opplæringsressurser WebAssign tilbyr et bredt utvalg av rimelig, peer-reviewed høy kvalitet akademisk innhold for STEM disipliner, inkludert opplæringsbanker og vurderinger. Les mer Hvorfor WebAssign WebAssign setter kraftige verktøy i hendene på instruktører for å hjelpe dem med å realisere sine læringsmål. Se videoen vår for å se hvordan WebAssign kan hjelpe deg. Se på videoen Vår tilgjengelige innholdFølg oss på nettet Kunstdepartementet utstillet på ArtsFest Pine Schoolrsquos Art Department ble gitt en plattform for å skinne på Treasure Coastrsquos ArtsFest, som var vert for Arts Council of Martin County. ldquoIt var så givende å se utvalget av Pine School talent representert, rdquo delt Fine Arts Chair Steve Naumann. ldquoFrom teater og dans til visuell kunst og musikk, var våre studenter virkelig vanskelige å savne. Verden Pine School Jazz Ensemble, ledet av Music Director Dorothy Castle, tjente det ettertraktede stedet for å åpne for jazzlegenden Nestor Torres. Jeg var så stolt av gruppen, rdquo beamed Castle. ldquoThey har satt i lange timer for å forberede seg og deres hardt arbeid lønnet seg med en fantastisk ytelse. Ikke bare for å være utad, førte junior Chloe Janson en en-akt, ldquoFriends Welcomerdquo, presentert i festivalens litteraturby. Stykket inkluderte senior Ryan Chimelis. En beredskap av lavere skoleelever deltok i en forestilling av Florida Aerial Dance and Circus Arts-gruppen - demonstrerer grasiøs bevegelse med hengende silke. Og selvfølgelig var The Pine Schoolrsquos prisbelønte visuelle kunst på full skjerm på en dedikert Pine School-booth. ldquoIt virkelig var en fantastisk helg, rdquo oppsummerte kommunikasjonsdirektør Robert Ankrom, som også fungerer som et styreleder i Arts Council. ldquoOur studenter var store ambassadører for skolen og viste tydelig styrken på våre kunstoffer. Verden feirer nasjonale jenter i idrettsdagen Pine Schoolen feiret og observert National Girls Amp Women i idrettsdag med paralympian og verdensmester Jacqui Kapinowski. Kapinowski, som mistet bena etter en kamp med bakteriell meningitt og resulterende nevrologiske komplikasjoner, har konkurrert i over 80 maratoner, 6 triathloner (hun holder posten i New York City Olympic-distriktet triathlon) og utallige andre løp. I 2013 konkurrerte hun på paratriathlon nasjonale mesterskapet og vant det nasjonale tittelen, som førte til å konkurrere i VM på ITU Paratriathlon i London, England hvor hun oppnådde bronsemedaljen. Hun har også konkurrert i Vancouver og Rio Paralympics. quotNational Girls amp Women i Sports Day er en flott tid til å gjenkjenne og oppmuntre deltagelse av studenter i konkurransedyktig sport, rdquo delt Atletisk direktør Matt Sofarelli. ldquo Andelen jenter og kvinner som deltar i sport vokser hvert år og muligheter som denne gnistinteressen for unge kvinner til å bruke sport for å forberede seg på utfordringer og suksesser senere i livet. quot I tillegg til en inspirerende keynote fra Jacqui, 8 hadde muligheten til å prøve sine hender på en rekke idretter ledet av videregående medlemmer av Athletic Prefect Committee. Pine School har en imponerende 11 Varsity lag for jenter å delta i. LdquoAthletics har alltid vært en integrert del av å være en Pine School student og våre jenter lag er gode eksempler på det, rdquo oppsummert opptak direktør og lang tid Varsity Cross Country Coach (nylig kalt ldquoCoach Of The Yearrdquo) Beth Lettengarver. ldquoBecause of our no-cut-policy og vår lille skole atmosfære, er alle våre jenter oppmuntret og velkommen til å delta i så mange atletiske aktiviteter som de vil ha. rdquo The Hobe Sound Campus blir ti Vennligst bli med på å feire årsdagen for å være på Hobe Sound campus i ti år denne uken Hva en dalbane det har vært og vi er på toppen av vår tur i år. Høsten 2006 var vi ekstremt opptatt av å hjelpe oss med å ta slutt på vår Hobe Sound campus for å motta CO fra County for å flytte våre karakterer 7-10 fra Stuart til Hobe Sound. Når det nye året begynte, begynte gjenstander som skulle flytte fra Stuart til Hobe Sound å forlate Stuart campus. Smartbrettene i middelskolebygningen og videregående skole ble tatt ned først. Biblioteksbøker fulgte, og deretter noen ekstra stoler og bord og selvbord i de siste dagene. Den siste dagen kom, en fredag. Vi begynte i Stuart med pakking av personlige eiendeler og rengjøring av skap. Vi spiste lunsj fra en liten cateringvogn i paviljongen og deretter kom de fylte bussene fram og vi stablet alt på bussene studenter, ryggsekker, sportsutstyr og mer. De fyllte kapasitetsbussene rullet inn i Hobe Sound og det virkelige arbeidet begynte. Den ettermiddagen og helgen skjedde i rask bevegelse da skrivebord ble arrangert, skap ble fylt, flere lastebiler ble lastet og brakt til Hobe Sound, den endeløse flyttingen av bøker og skrivebord. Foreldre, studenter, fakultet og venner var her over den helgen. Vi har mistet å lære oss rundt campus. Vi følte begeistring for en godt utført jobb og spenning for den kommende dagen i våre første klasser på denne campusen. På mandag begynte 12 februar klasser på en campus som hadde ren hvit sand overalt, ingen persienner for å blokkere solskinnet (landskapsarbeid og persienner kom i det første året) bord og redskaper som aldri hadde blitt brukt i den glitrende spisesalen, tilsynelatende tomme haller og samme vind vi fortsetter å føle hver dag på gårdsplassen. Når vi feirer årsdagen på ti år på Hobe Sound campus, ikke la denne uken gå uten å sette pris på den vakre skolen vi liker og vennskapene vi har laget. Jeg gratulerer hver student og lærer som har gått gjennom disse hallen. Vi har lært og levd sammen i ti år og vil fortsette å gjøre det for mange flere som kommer. Phyllis Parker Leder av skogen Pine School musikk og visuell kunst hedret Pine Schoolrsquos Fine Arts Department har nylig mottatt æresbevisninger i både musikk og visuell kunst kategorier. Et imponerende antall Pine School kunststuderende har blitt anerkjent i det høyt ansett Scholarship Arts Program. Med over 2500 stykker sendt regionalt, mottar kun ca. 10 forskjeller. Utvalgt kunstverk vil bli vist på Armory Art Center i West Palm Beach etter åpnings - og prisutdelingen den 25. februar. Jeg er veldig oppmuntret av det faktum at vår lille skole er konsekvent representert så godt på denne nasjonalt anerkjente konkurransen, deltok riksdekkingsdepartementets leder Steve Naumann. Spesiell anerkjennelse går til Phillipa Parnevik lsquo17 og Macy Washer lsquo19 for å motta ettertraktede Gold Key Awards for sitt arbeid og Ali McClimond lsquo18 for å være den første Pine School-student æret i grafikkdesignkategorien. I tillegg deltok tolv medlemmer av The Pine Schoolrsquos musikkprogram i Four-County Honor Band Festival holdt på Indian River State College. Studentene tilbrakte tre dager med å forberede og øve på en spesiell helgkonsert. LdquoTil dedikasjonen til disse fine musikerne var i full visning på den fantastiske konserten, oppsummerte rdquo Band Director Dorothy Castle. ldquo Styrken til vår kunstavdeling er et testament til støtte og takknemlighet kunstene mottar fra vårt skole samfunn, rdquo oppsummerte Naumann. 10 års jubileum av 100 år med biler I tillegg til en stor mengde nyter de vakre bilene og været, var det over 150 registrerte biler - det største antallet på 5 år. Bilutvalget ønsker å takke spesiell takk til Waters Edge Dermatology for deres utrolig støttende GoldTitle-sponsor. ldquoThe hjelpen som tilbys for å øke bevisstheten om vår begivenhet var bare fantastisk, rdquo delt direktør for utvikling Kelly Hilton-Green. Sølv sponsorer inkludert Audi av Stuart, Matildas og Ferrari Maserati Palm Beach - og alle var aktivt involvert på dagen og lagt til den generelle nytelsen. Den ldquoBest i Showrdquo-prisen gikk til Rocky og Henry Grady. John Payson, som dessverre gikk bort sent i 2016, ble hedret som en av de grunnleggende medlemmene av bilutstillingen. ldquoJohn var en bil fanatiker som brydde seg dypt om kunsten, la Rdquo til Hilton-Green. ldquoHe hadde en god sans for humor og elsket ingenting mer enn å høre historiene om hver av våre bil show registrants. rdquo. Bygg på suksessen til dette året, neste yearrsquos arrangement vil bli avholdt lørdag 13 januar 2018. ldquoVi takker alle som deltok, og ser frem til å se deg på campus igjen i nær fremtid, oppsummerte rdquo Hilton-Green. Flere seniorer gjør College-forpliktelser Pine School har en lang tradisjon for kandidater som drar nytte av ekspertisen og personlig tilnærming til College Counselor Janet Pacifico. 100 av alle nyutdannede har blitt akseptert til noen av countryrsquos fineste høyskoler og universiteter - med en imponerende 92 som deltok i deres førstevalgskoler. Som en hilsen til våre eldres talent og hardt arbeid planlegger vi å dele nyheter som disse studentene gjør den store beslutningen om å forplikte seg til. ldquoThe class of 2017 har vært en av de mest engasjerte klassene jeg har jobbet med, rdquo delte Pacifico. ldquoAs jeg legger de siste tegnsettene på hver av sine anbefalinger, gjør jeg det med et smil på ansiktet mitt, og vet hva en gruppe fine unge menn og kvinner de har blitt. rdquo Ryan Chimelis - Savannah College of Art amp Design. Ryan har vunnet ulike priser for sin fotografering, inkludert nylig snagging den beste Student Visual Artist Award på Martins hosted av Arts Council of Martin County. Cole Davies - University of Miami. Cole er leder på Varsity Soccer-programmet og er begeistret for å følge i hans familyrsquos-fotspor ved å delta på UM. Bella Fucigna - Washington og Lee. Bella har tjent som vår Outreach Prefect og ledet flere serviceprosjekter. Hun er også kvalifisert for statsmesterskapet møtes i polvalv som medlem av vårt Varsity Track Amp Field-team. Victoria Melby - Florida State University. Victoria har vært medlem av både Varsity Track og Soccer-lagene, så vel som å delta i skolemusikalene. Hun er også et aktivt medlem av både Student Life og UKnight Prefect-komiteene. Ottie McCullum - Florida State University. Ottie har deltatt på flere Varsity-lag, inkludert Cross Country, Soccer og Lacrosse. Han er også medlem av U-Knight Prefect Committee. Greyson Phillips - University of Central Florida. Greyson er en Pine Patriot Scholar og medlem av MIT Inventeam, samt en AP-lærer med skille. Han har også vært aktiv i Pine School musikalske produksjoner. Kalen Rossario - New York University. Kalen ble tildelt Drexel University Top Young Photographer Award blant mange kunstgjenkjenninger og æresbevisninger. Casey Scellato - Florida Gulf Coast. En annen ridderløper (med skolen siden tidlig læring) har Casey spilt volleyball siden fjerde klasse. Erin Spellman - Boston College. Erin har fungert som hoved miljøprefekt, som spiller en rolle i Pine School som anerkjent som en grønn skole av ære. Hun er også medlem av både Varsity Cross Country og Track-lagene. Savanah Wilshire - University of Miami. Savanah var den første studenten å fullføre sin Senior Captstone med en svært vellykket Big Dog Ranch-hendelse på campuset, og samle donasjoner, øke bevisstheten og fremme adoptioner. Hun er også en talentfull danser og en veldig aktiv årbokmedarbeider. Vi gleder oss til å dele mer gode nyheter da elevene fortsetter å ta beslutninger. Vitenskapsstudenter Velkommen spesiell gjest Flere vitenskapsklasser i lavere og mellomstadie mottok spesielle klasseromspresentasjoner av Chris Koch fra Jurassic Parts. Studenter i 5. og 6. klasse deltok i en Geode-lab der de døde dypere i jordvitenskap og til og med forlot klassen med sin egen Geode. Frøken Bergerrsquos 4. klasse-klasse satte seg på deres klassifikasjonsferdigheter mens de deltok i en kreaturklassifikasjonslab aktivitet. Elevene lærte å klassifisere organismer ved å sortere eksempler fra vertebrater og hvirvelløse grupper. De ble også gitt et sett med prøver for å ta med seg mrs. Kerslakes 8. klasse studenter ble introdusert til grunnleggende kjemi prinsipper under reiser kjemiker programmet. Dette programmet viste elevene hvordan kjemiske reaksjoner er virkelig magiske mens de forklarer vitenskapen bak dem. Hvert av disse programmene bidro til å markere pensum som hver klasse har vært eller vil jobbe med. Jurassic Parts er en familie eid og operert virksomhet basert i West Palm Beach, Florida. Startet som leverandør av fossiler, hai-tenner og agatisert koraller, har de siden utvidet seg til å tilby utdanningsprogrammer til skoler og andre organisasjoner. De har også bygget spesielle utstillinger på haier og isaldyr som leies til natursentre, dyreparker og vitenskapsmuseer. ldquoThe science team jobber hver dag for å engasjere studenter i spennende minneverdige aktiviteter, rdquo oppsummerte Science Department Chair Tessie Kerslake. ldquoHaving spesielle gjester forenkler ekstra programmering med interaktive manipulativer bidrar til å øke studentene nysgjerrighet og spenning om science. rdquo Atleter ærekjent av TC Palm Panel En rekke Pine School student-idrettsutøvere har blitt anerkjent av TC Palmrsquos Fall Season Sports Awards. ldquoAlle av våre idrettsutøvere tildeles The Pine School med klassen på og utenfor spillefeltet, deltok rike deltidsleder Matt Sofarelli. ldquo Arbeidet etisk portrayed av disse unge mennene og kvinner la dem skinne gjennom som ledere på deres respektive lag og i klasserommet. Volleyball: Annelise Romero All-Area Ærlig Mention Jenter Langrenn: Claire Barber - Årets Runner Finalist Boys Cross Country : Chase Hyland - Årets Runner Finalist Christopher Textor - All Area First Team Beth Lettengarver - Årets Trener Gutter Golf: Garrett Barber - Årets spiller Finalist Prescott Butler - Årets spiller Finalist Christopher Hecht - All Area Honorable Mention Girls Golf: Andie Smith - All Area First Team Jenter Svømming og Dykking: Olivia Wilson - All Area Honorable Nevn ldquo Jeg er ekstremt stolt over at våre idrettsutøvere representerer Pine School så godt, rdquo oppsummerte Sofarelli. ldquoCongratulations to all of them. rdquo MIT besøker Pine School InvenTeam Pine School's Lemelson-MIT InvenTeam hadde sitt første besøk på stedet fra representanter for programmet. Daglig leder Stephanie Couch and Invention Utdannelsesansvarlig Leigh Estabrooks var på plass for å lære om fremdrift og diskutere noen av utfordringene som fortsatt ligger foran. Pine School er den eneste skolen i Florida for å motta det prestisjetunge 10.000 stipendet for å utvikle sin foreslåtte oppfinnelse om å skape en flersensisk enhet for å overvåke vannforholdene i Indian River Lagoon. Teammedlem, Sophia Siegel, ga en lidenskapelig adresse som videregjorde gruppens ønske om å gjøre en forskjell i å forbedre lokale vannforhold. Gruppen gikk også over detaljer om sitt arbeid. I tillegg til Lemelson-MIT-folkene ble gruppen også med i Claude Gerstle (hendelsesstol og fungerende president for Palm Beach MIT-klubben), samt Dr. Edie Widder (CEOSenior Scientist) og Retta Rohm (forskningsassistent) av ORCA som samarbeider med mange aspekter av dette prosjektet. Dette er bare et første skritt i det som sikkert vil være noen få måneder med hardt arbeid for oss alle, sier K. Haas, Vitenskap og matematikklærer og en av lagets sponsorer. Vi vil bli igjen igjen av MIT-representanter tidlig neste år for en mid-grant review. quot Holiday Traditions Abound Ferieene er seriøs virksomhet på The Pine School. I takt med at karakterene 6-12 tjener sin tid ved å få gjennom sine eksamener, går barnehagen gjennom grad 5 i en rekke ferietradisjoner som vil gjøre selv den største Grinch føle årets ånd. Kindergarten likte en rekke ferie tema håndverk og spill. Første klasse tok en tur på The Polar Express med Susan Buys og John Barnes som personlige ledere. 2. klasse designet pepperkakehus og feiret alle ting Grinch - komplett med tre Cindy Lou Whorsquos. 3. klasse trodde været og hadde en snøballkamp. 4. ampere 5. Grads fylte strømper som vil bli donert til lokale non-profit hvite duer som serverer barn i nød i løpet av ferien. Alt takket være en feiring med et utseende av den store mannen selv. Hele dagen fikk en rungende tommelen opp fra alle. Seniorer feirer College-engasjementene Pine Pine har en lang tradisjon for kandidater som drar nytte av ekspertisen og personlig tilnærming til College Counselor Janet Pacifico. 100 av alle nyutdannede har blitt akseptert til noen av countryrsquos fineste høyskoler og universiteter - med en imponerende 92 som deltok i deres førstevalgskoler. Som en hilsen til våre eldres talent og hardt arbeid planlegger vi å dele nyheter som disse studentene gjør den store beslutningen om å forplikte seg til. ldquoThe class of 2017 har vært en av de mest engasjerte klassene jeg har jobbet med, rdquo delte Pacifico. ldquoAs jeg legger de endelige tegnsettingene på hver av sine anbefalinger, gjør jeg det med et smil på ansiktet mitt, og vet hva en gruppe fine unge menn og kvinner de har blitt. rdquo Julie Afshar - Elon University. Julie er en prisvinnende artist, som nylig ble valgt til å vise i den prestisjetunge Drexel University Photography Student Juried Show. Madison Davis - Mercer University. Maddy er en Varsity-idrettsutøver og har blomstret seg i å være forpliktet til samfunnstjenesteprosjekter. Chase Hyland - Northeastern University. Chase plasserte 2. i stater i Cross Country og tjente som Varsity Teamrsquos Captain - som ledet til å bli rekruttert som student-idrettsutøver. Nicholas Mandley - Northeastern University. Nick har tjent som The Pine Schoolrsquos U-Knight Prefekt og ser frem til å delta i Northeasternrsquos CO-OP Program. Clark Mortell - Furman University. Clark ble også rekruttert som student-idrettsutøver, etter hans lederrolle som Varsity Soccer-lagkaptenen. Mark Smith - Flagler College. Mark grunnla Rugby Club og vil dra nytte av Flaglerrsquos sted for videre å forfølge sin lidenskap for fiske. Jennifer Yao - Boston University. Jennifer ble nylig nominert til Outstanding Student Performing Artist på Martin County mARTie Awards. 72 av klassen av 2017 har sendt tidligeprioritetsapplikasjoner. 30 av de 44 studentene har minst en aksept og 10 har blitt tatt opp til deres første valg tidlig beslutningskole. Vi gleder oss til å dele mer gode nyheter da elevene fortsetter å ta beslutninger. Holiday Service Jump-Starts Sesongen En av de mest populære Pine School-tradisjonene - og en fin måte å sparke ferien på - er den årlige Holiday Service. Det gir en god sjanse før eksamen begynner for skolen å samles for å reflektere på begynnelsen av høytiden. Hver person i skolefeltet bringer leketøy til å donere (med alt som går til lokale barn gjennom hvite duer og innfødte som hjelper innfødte). ldquoThe Pine Schoolrsquos dedikasjon til å tjene lokale barn er virkelig inspirerende, rdquo delte Carol Hodnett av United Way of Martin County. Hvert år får femte klasseklassen muligheten til å besøke White Doves personlig for å se hvordan deres donasjoner av leker vil nå over 1100 familier i området. Tjenesten inkluderer også musikk og avlesninger og er avkortet med en rousing utgave av quotThe 12 Days of Christmasquot med hver klasse tar en dag. Og som om det ikke var nok, er hele saken avrundet med et kjøpesalg og sosialt vertskap av foreldrenes forening. La ferien begynne å feire Veteransdag med forsamling og åpent hus I det som har blitt en Pine School-tradisjon, var Admissions-kontoret vert for sitt årlige høståpne hus i kombinasjon med Schoolrsquos Veterans Day Assembly. Til stede av over 50 gjester, gir arrangementet en mulighet for potensielle studenter og deres familier til å være vitne til forpliktelsen til hele Pine School-samfunnet for å betjene. citerer denne muligheten til å stoppe og huske de mange heltene som har ofret så mye for å sikre at vår frihet er et viktig skritt i å leve med samfunnsansvar og tjeneste, delt utdelt akademisk dekan Sean Carlson. Samlingen inneholdt også et utvalg av musikalske tall, inkludert sang av ldquoArmed Forces Medleyrdquo. ldquoBandet og koret har jobbet utrættelig på musikken for denne forestillingen, sa rdquo direktør for musikk Dorothy Castle. Jeg er så stolt av dem alle for å komme sammen for en så stor sak. Denne kveldenes samling inneholdt spesiell gjest, pensjonert USA Marine Michael Sofarelli (faren til vår egen atletisk direktør Matt Sofarelli). Sofarelli snakket om sine erfaringer som tjener i Vietnam og hans forpliktelse til å betjene faglig og personlig etterpå. Samlingen presenterte den perfekte tiden for skolens leder Phyllis Parker å dedikere maleriet ldquoOn Night Beforerdquo, begavet av Major Robert Prigmore, US Army. hvis sønn, Aaron, deltok på Pine School. Maleriet feirer 75-årsjubileet for luftbårne operasjoner under den allierte invasjonen av Normandie, Frankrike i 1944. 3.-5. Klasse har også en spesiell anledning til å møte foreldrene til klassekameratene Liberty og Liam Landeros. Jessica og Casey Landeros delte om tiden deres i Irak, så vel som i etterkant av orkanen Katrina. Etter å ha møtt de gjester som deltok på det åpne huset, mottok campus turer og hadde muligheter til å møte med fakultetet og Lettengarver når de begynte å søke. ldquoVeterans Day har alltid vært en spesiell dag på campus på The Pine School, rdquo oppsummert direktør for opptak Beth Lettengarver. ldquoMed mange offentlige og private skoler tar dagen fridag, gir dagen en perfekt mulighet til å vise folk rundt vår vakre campus. Enda viktigere, besøkende er i stand til å se og føle hva The Pine School-ånden handler om ved å oppleve førstehånds denne spesielle forsamlingen som hedrer vår Veterans. rdquo Science Night Success fjerde til 6. klasse vitenskapsstudenter deltok i Science Night - et nytt foretak hostet av Science Department for å bedre presentere våre studenters talenter og fokuset dedikert til å skape et interaktivt og blomstrende program. ldquoScience Night handler om å støtte våre unge forskere og instilling spenning og nysgjerrighet i dem, sa Rick Kerslake. Den velbesøkte natten tillot våre studentforskere å dele det harde arbeidet de legger inn i et bredt spekter av vitenskapsprosjekter. Disse prosjektene ga elevene mulighet til å følge trinnene i den vitenskapelige metoden hele veien fra bare å stille et spørsmål, undersøke det spørsmålet, hypotesere et svar, designe og gjennomføre et eksperiment for å bevise eller motbevise denne hypotesen, observere og analysere data og til slutt dele resultatene av deres funn. Studentene ble oppfordret til å velge et emne som interesserte dem og styrte gjennom prosessen med å utføre sine eksperimenter uavhengig. Studentene ble møtt med hindringer, unøyaktighet i datainnsamling og andre situasjoner som en forsker ville støte på i sitt arbeid. ldquoVå håpet var å gi studentene mulighet til å videreutvikle uavhengige kritiske tenkning ferdigheter som de må bruke daglig i hverdagen, rdquo delt 6. klasse vitenskap lærer Justine Habicht. Arrangementet inkluderte også praktiske bord som ble arrangert av vitenskapsstudenter, og gir alle sjansen til å lære litt noe mens de hadde det gøy. Senior forplikter seg til å kjøre XC på nordøst på nasjonal signeringsdag. Senior Chase Hyland har signert sin forpliktelse til å kjøre Cross Country og Track amp Field ved Northeastern University. Chase er en av de beste rekrutterne i staten Florida og landet. Mange av de beste videregående idrettsutøvere i deres idretter vil signere deres nasjonale intentionsavtale (NLI) for å spille kollegiale idretter. Divisjon 1 rekrutter signerer denne NLI denne uken for å gjøre sin kollegiale sportsbeslutning offisielle. quot Pine Pine er veldig stolt av Chase og hans prestasjoner og ønsker ham ingenting annet enn det beste i årene som kommer, citerte delt Atletisk direktør Matt Sofarelli. Zombie Knight kjører fryktelig suksess Årets årlige Knight Run var en fryktelig suksess. Selvfølgelig, det kunne ha hatt noe å gjøre med alle ZOMBIES. Arrangementet hadde 333 registrerte løpere for arrangementet som er et stort hopp fra i fjor. Event Chair Jodi Perera gjorde en utrolig jobb i å trekke alt sammen, fremme arrangementet og dekorere kurset. The Haunted House reiste stangen enda en gang med Sue Thompson, Rick Coolidge og deres mannskap som førte til en usedvanlig skummel kostnad. DJ John Barnes holdt holdt publikum flytte med sine dyktige musikk mikser. Martin County Sheriffrsquos Office Grill Team spilte en avgjørende rolle i fôring av horder. Savanah Wilshire var medvirkende til å legge til rette for en adoptivmesse for store hunder som del av hennes Senior Capstone før løpet. Vi hadde en stor mengde energi på vår campus fredag kveld, oppsummert direktør for utvikling Kelly Hilton-Green. quote Mange mennesker legger stor vekt på å gjøre arrangementet til en suksess - en stor takk til alle de som frivilliggjorde. Quot Halloween Celebrations Halloween er alltid en stor tid på The Pine School, og i år var det ikke noe unntak. Dagen startet med en spesiell kostyme parade for barnehage gjennom klasse 5 med alle opperclassmen lining måten å tilby high-fives. Dette førte til et K-5th Grade program som inkluderte musikalske og dans nummer ledet av Music Director John Barnes og PE trener Kate Roach. Senior-klassen behandlet hele skolen samfunnet til en trunk-or-treat event - med hver av sine biler laget for å representere ulike temaer. Klasse partier og en dristig Halloween Egg Roulette økt mellom eldre og fakultet capped den spennende dagen. Kunst skinner på Annual Marties Awards Pine Pine var ekstremt godt representert på Kunstrådet av Martin Countys årlige mARTies Awards-seremoni. I tillegg til senior Ryan Chimelis som har fått toppprisen til student visuell kunstner, skaffet skolen 10 totalt nominasjoner i både student - og voksenkategorier. Foreldre og lokal skulptør Geoffrey Smith mottok den voksne visuelle artisterprisen. Martiniene dedikerer en kveld for å feire og applaudere de kreative artister som gjør Martin County mer beriket. Jeg elsker at The Pine School og vårt engasjement for å fremme en ekte lidenskap for kunst i våre studenter får anledning til å skinne så sterkt gjennom en viktig fellesskapshendelse som marties, rdquo felles direktør for kommunikasjon og kunstrådets styremedlem Robert Ankrom. Ankrom fungerte også som Co-Chair for denne yearrsquos hendelsen som ble helt utsolgt - en første for mARTies. Kvelden ble deltatt av en sterk demonstrasjon av støtte fra Pine School-administratorer og fakultet, inkludert leder av skolen Phyllis Parker, adm. Direktør Beth Lettengarver, og Ankrom samt kunstnæringsformann Steve Naumann og kunstlærer Maria Miele. Seremonien hadde også fantastiske forestillinger av seniorer Nicholas Leonard og Jennifer Yao. Vitenskapsstudenter som er æret med landsdekkende stipendiater En dedikert gruppe av Pine School-studenter, under mentorskapet til lærerutdanningen lærer Karlheinz Haas og sosialfaglærer Nathaniel Osborn, er en av kun femten skoler landsomfattende som skal velges av Lemelson-MIT Foundation under sitt InvenTeam Program til motta opptil 10 000 i stipendfinansiering for å finne teknologiske løsninger på virkelige problemer. ldquoBeing valgt for en Lemelson-MIT InvenTeam-prisen er utrolig spennende, rdquo delte Haas. LdquoIt er en anerkjennelse av fremgangen vi har gjort som en avdeling, og vil gi en meget talentfull og motivert gruppe pineelever en mulighet til å vise frem sine ferdigheter. Verden Pine School gruppen vil motta denne finansieringen for å skape en enhet for å overvåke Manatee Grass økosystem i Indian River. ldquoIt er givende for å se studentene aktivt engasjert og integrert STEM mens de jobber med sine oppfinnsomme løsninger på virkelige problemer, men den virkelig inspirerende effekten er den langsiktige effekten på studentene og lederskapskvaliteten InvenTeam-initiativet induserer i deltakere, delt ut Leigh Estabrooks, Oppdragsutdannelsesansvarlig for Lemelson-MIT-programmet. InvenTeam-initiativet, nå i sitt 14. år, inspirerer ungdom til å oppfinne utnytte praktiske, aktive læringsstrategier. Aktive læringsstrategier i STEM (vitenskap, teknologi, ingeniørfag og matematikk) er beste praksis fremmet av Hvite husets kontor for vitenskap og teknologi (OSTP), der studentene engasjerer, tenker på og løser problemer. I en nylig studie utført av Lemelson-MIT-programmet rapporterte 67 prosent av InvenTeam alumni akademikere at de jobber nå i et STEM-felt, og demonstrerer virkningen av denne læringsmetoden når det gjelder å styrke og utdanne neste generasjon forskere og ingeniører. I løpet av de neste ni månedene vil The Pine Schoolrsquos InvenTeam utvikle sin skjerm. I juni skal studentene presentere en prototype av oppfinnelsen deres på EurekaFest ved MIT i Cambridge, Mass. EurekaFest, presentert av Lemelson-MIT Programmet, er en multi-dagers feiring designet for å styrke en oppfinners arv gjennom aktiviteter som inspirerer ungdom, ære rollemodeller og oppmuntre kreativitet og problemløsing. ldquo Dette er nettopp den slags overbevisende faglige forberedelse at The Pine School er unikt posisjonert for å dyrke, rdquo oppsummerte Osborn. Seniorer og friske menn forkynner morgen til fellesskapstjeneste Holde på linje med Schoolrsquos Learning Through Service-fokus, dedikert The Pine Schoolrsquos hele Senior og Freshmen-klassene deres morgen til å gi tilbake til samfunnet. I samarbeid med United Way of Martin County samlet eldre på Hobe Sound Early Learning Center for å tilbringe tid med de 3 og 4 år gamle klassene. Deres tid var delt mellom å lese, spille og tilbringe litt kvalitetstid i hagen sin. ldquo Vi er alle så glade for å være involvert i denne typen fellesskapstjeneste, rdquo delt Senior og Outreach Prefect Head Bella Fucigna. The Freshmen reiste til Martin County Fairgrounds i Stuart og hjalp med en rekke prosjekter, inkludert maleri, luke og bygge piknikbord. ldquoVi har vært så imponert over The Pine Schoolrsquos sanne ånd å gi, sa rdquo United Way frivillig koordinator Kathleen Stacey. ldquoDe har blitt store fellesskapspartnere, og vi gleder oss alltid til å ha dem involvert med våre byråer. Verden Sofomore og Junior-klassene vil ha muligheter til å delta i sine egne morgener om tjeneste i løpet av våren. Jeg er så stolt over å hjelpe til med å forenkle et skritt fremover i Schoolrsquos forpliktelse til å bedre forstå de mange fordelene med fellesskapstjenesten, opplyste rdquo direktør for kommunikasjon Robert Ankrom. Ankrom bidro til å koordinere morgenen og fungerer som medlem av United Wayrsquos Leaders United Service Group. ldquoOur students are real naturals in their desire to give back and Irsquod love nothing more than to see this sort of morning fully integrated as a regular occurrence at The Pine School. rdquo Varsity Boys Cross Country Top Pine Invitational The Pine School39s Varsity Boys Cross Country team once again placed 1st over-all at the annual Pine Invitational Cross Country Meet, hosted on The Pine School39s beautiful 142-acre campus. The meet, which attracted over 260 runners from 14 different schools, benefitted from beautiful weather and challenged runners throughout the course that took full advantage of natural rolling hills found on The Pine School campus. Congrats to all - most notably, Varsity runners - Boys Chase Hyland 1st, Christopher Textor 2nd, Lawson McLeod 6th. Girls Claire Barber 2nd, Erin Spellman 3rd. JV runners (Boys JV team placed 1st overall as well) Addison Textor 3rd, Philip Upton 5th, Luke Denney 6th, Gabe Tettamanti 7th, Noah Kalter 9th, Aaron Chimelis 11th, Matthew Lynch 12th. Middle School Race Ryann McLeod 5th, Stephen Weller 6th, Dylan Markulics 8th, Aiden Skelly 9th. Districts on Wednesday, October 19th are up next. quotThe compliments on our course, our community, and how the overall race was managed were overwhelming - thanks to everyone39s efforts, quot shared Cross Country Coach and Director of Admission Beth Lettengarver. The Pine School Responds With Hurricane Relief Effort While so many of us were spared any significant issues related to Hurricane Matthew, the Bahamas, Haiti, and out-lying areas of GA, SC, and northern FL were not as lucky. In keeping with our Learning Through Service efforts, The Pine School has committed to do all that it can to offer relief to those that need it most. Specifically, we want to make you aware of an opportunity to donate items in need. Our own student-led Outreach Prefect Committee will be collecting items on campus to help distribute to a number of sources in need - those items may be brought directly to school. Items that are in most demand include diapers, baby formulafood, baby wipes, canned food, first-aid kits, toilet paper, and water. Again, you may bring these items directly to the School through the next week (up until Wednesday, October 19th). Thank you in advance for your consideration supporting those that were so adversely affected by Hurricane Matthew. Hurricane Matthew Update The Pine School, in communication with the Martin County Emergency Management Services, is announcing new operation hours in advance of Hurricane Matthew. The school day will end for all students tomorrow, Wednesday, October 5th, at 11am and will remain closed the remainder of the week. We will begin normal operating hours Monday, October 10th. All sports events have been canceled for this afternoon, Tuesday, October 4 to enable families to prepare for the storm. Regular bus service today, Tuesday afternoon and Wednesday morning and the buses will return students Wednesday at 11:00 AM. Photo retake day has been rescheduled for Friday, November 4. We extend wishes for safety to all of our families. 18th Annual Booster Club Golf Tournament The Pine School hosted its 18th Annual Knights Booster Club Golf Tournament at Abacoa Golf Club. A special mention goes to Old Cypress Pointe and PB Built as our Title Sponsors for the event. A huge amount of effort went into this event and thanks are also extended to Tami Skelly, Sydney Walker and other members of The Pine Schoolrsquos Booster Club for the time and energy they put into arranging this tournament. Everyone looked great in our attire thanks to the The Sofarelli family and all Golf Carts were charged and ready thanks to Matildarsquos of Stuart. quotAlthough mother nature did not cooperate, the golf tournament again this year served as a much needed support system in attaining the needed uniforms, equipment and miscellaneous items that our Athletic Department and Fine Arts Department depend on for operation and success, quot said Athletic Director Matt Sofarelli. The tournament did experience an incredible amount of rain just prior to tee time but Abacoa Golf Club were gracious hosts and served players a wonderful lunch and refreshments as they waited to make the decision about golf for the afternoon. Sadly, golf was cancelled but much thanks still goes out to all hole and driving range sponsors: The McLane Family, The Martin Family, Nancy Smith - Style Encore, The Lichten Family, Dr Ian Murray and Family, Ianrsquos Tropical Grill, HUUM, The Afshar Family, Jupiter Auto Spa, RJS Racing Equipment, The Walker Family, The Mekled Family, and Florida Living Realty ldquoOn behalf of the Booster Club we would like to thank all that volunteered their time and efforts that go into organizing an event like this, rdquo added Director of Development Kelly Hilton-Green. ldquoThanks again to all the golfers that came out as well. Everyone was very generous and understanding of the inclement weather challenges that we faced during the event. rdquo The event still managed to raise an impressive 15,000 for the Booster Club. These funds will go towards much needed equipment, uniforms, and miscellaneous items that our Athletic Department and Arts Department count on to operate. The Booster Club is already looking forward to working on next yearrsquos event and extend an early invitation for everyone to be a part of this annual tradition in the fall of 2017. The Pine School Announces New Head of School The Pine School is excited to announce Binney Caffrey as the 14th Head of School. Mrs. Caffrey will begin her tenure on July 1, 2017, following the retirement of current Head of School Phyllis Parker. Parker has served The Pine School for 25 years, the last 5 of those as Head. ldquoAll of the finalist candidates were of a high quality and each had positive attributes that could help our school but to witness the building level of energy and excitement that gathered over the two days Binney was here, was a wonderful thing to observe, rdquo shared Assistant Head of School and Search Committee member Nathan Washer. Mrs. Caffrey comes to The Pine School from The Bishoprsquos School in La Jolla, CA where she has worked for a combined 15 years, most recently as Dean of Studies holding the Oliver Family Chair in Educational Leadership. She has also held the positions of Director of Financial Aid and Dean of Student Life as well as teaching mathematics and economics. Mrs. Caffrey earned her Master of Arts in Economics from the University of California and holds her Bachelor of Arts in Mathematics from Williams College. ldquoIt is an exciting opportunity to think about what defines a Pine School education, rdquo said Caffrey. ldquoI am eager to lead this endeavor, not with any fixed idea about what an education must include but rather with an openness to learn and find out what makes The Pine School unique and right for itself. rdquo ldquoBringing Binney on as our new Head of School is sure to perfectly further the positive momentum that has been built in establishing The Pine School as one of the finest independent schools in the state, rdquo summed up Board President and Search Committee Head Debbie Textor. Students Participate In Out Of Eden Learn All of Tabbatha OrsquoDonnellrsquos 6th and 7th Grade Social Studies classes had the unique opportunity to participate in an invitation-only Out of Eden Learn ldquoGoogle Hangoutrdquo with Out of Eden Walkrsquos author and explorer Paul Salopek. Students and teachers submitted questions in advance about any aspect of Salopek39s journey. Schools participated from India, Massachusetts, Greece, Hawaii, Virginia, and Greece while Salopek and his guide, Aziz, broadcasted live from Uzbekistan. The Out of Eden Learn project was formed in conjunction with Harvard Graduate School of Education39s Project Zero and National Geographic39s Out of Eden Walk. The program follows Salopek as he follows the path of human migration around the world. This seven-year project is designed to promote quotslow lookingquot and deep understanding of various cultures and human experiences through quotdispatchesquot that can dive deep into large political issues of the regions or more simple ideas about how to keep water cool in the desert. The skills that Salopek demonstrates and students get to practice are vital to understanding both history, geography, and cultural awareness. Furthermore, as students progress through the social studies curriculum, these skills will be important to help with analyzing primary documents and comparing different points of view. It also aligns well with the Ancient Civilizations and World Cultures curriculums as the path of Salopek39s walk follows many of the areas study by students in sixth and seventh grade. Students who participate in the program are put into walking parties with other students approximately the same age from around the world. 6th and 7th Grade Pine School students have been paired with students in locations are far ranging as South Korea, Ghana, Australia, and Switzerland, California. They complete different activities, or quotfootsteps, quot that mimic the strategies Paul is using as he explores the places he is in, and challenge students to look more closely at the world around them. All of this is done through a student-friendly (and secure) social media platform that encourages meaningful commentary between the students on each other39s work. They are encouraged to post messages that draw parallels between environments, inquire about unique aspects of different areas, or simply support the great work being posted by their peers. ldquoThis unique experience speaks volumes of the future for which we are preparing our students, rdquo summed up Academic Dean and History Department Chair Sean Carlson. ldquoBorders between cultures and countries are becoming more blurred as experiences like this allow for a global dialogue to happen in real time. It also develops our students39 inquiry skills by encouraging them to think broadly about their role in the world. rdquo Celebrating Arts In Education Week ldquoOne of the most exciting things about being a part of The Pine School is the love and commitment to the arts that the school has embedded in its culture, rdquo said Fine Arts Department Head Steve Naumann. Maria Mielersquos AP art students welcomed in Diane Hollowellrsquos Kindergarten class to help our youngest Knights express themselves in watercolors and crayons as they rounded out a section on shapes. Middle School art classes explored work on portraitsgrid drawings while ceramic classes fine-tuned their skills with work on teapots and other pieces. Not to be overshadowed, the Music Department was busy with a variety of lessons. K-5 Grade Music Director John Barnes worked with his 4th Grade students on group compositions that use the natural rhythm and syllabic stresses of words and phrases pulled from Apples To Apples, Jr. playing cards. 6-12 Grade Music Director Dorothy Castle invited saxophonist Al Hager from the Ft. Pierce Jazz Society to lead the Schoolrsquos jazz band through a workshop. ldquoIn order to make good musicians better, they need to be exposed to different styles of music and musicians, rdquo shared Castle. ldquoSpecial guest artists help assist students in their musicianship. rdquo ldquoThe value that is placed on the arts as a crucial part of developing a well-rounded student is so exciting and affirming as an art educator, rdquo summed up Naumann. Student Named National Merit Scholarship Semifinalist Congratulations to Senior Hannah Oenbrink for being named a National Merit Scholarship Semifinalist. Out of 1.6 million high-schoolers, only 16,000 have received this honor. ldquoThis is a great honor and speaks to Hannahrsquos dedication as a student and the quality of her teachers, rdquo shared Head of School Phyllis Parker. Hannah now qualifies to continue in the competition to qualify for a Scholarship to be announced in the spring. AP Spanish Students Visit El Sol Lillian Novoa and a group of her AP Spanish students traveled to practice their language skills through interview sessions with Hispanic members of the El Sol center. El Sol is a community resource center in Jupiter that, among other things, works with Hispanic members of the community to find suitable employment while becoming more acclimated to life in the United States. Students met in small groups with El Sol workers to ask a series of questions. ldquoIt was an eye opening and unique experience that allowed us to more fully understand what it is like to leave your home, family, job, and friends for a fresh start, rdquo shared Junior Claire Pittman. ldquoThey also explained the importance of maintaining your cultural identity while also trying assimilate to life here in America. rdquo The group of students added to the experience by bringing ldquogoodie bagsrdquo featuring essentials like toothpaste, granola bars, sunscreen, soap amp shampoo, and sewing kits as well as a few jackets and hats. ldquoThe students interest and compassion was evident from the very start, rdquo summed up Novoa. ldquoThey enjoyed learning about other members in their community. rdquo Honors Assembly Recognizes Academic Excellence The Pine School celebrated academic achievement with a 6-12 Grade Honors Assembly. In addition to students being recognized for reaching grade average goals, all AP Scholars were announced. ldquoThe Pine School embraces and recognizes the academic achievements of our students and the academic goals that they each strive to meet, rdquo shared Head of School Phyllis Parker. ldquoToday39s Honors Assembly honored those students whose overall academic achievement stood out among their peers during the second semester of the school year 2015-2016.rdquo AP Scholar of Distinction - Greyson Phillips, Ali Walker, Olivia Wilson AP Scholar with Honor - Samar Ahmed, Samantha Els, Hannah Oenbrink AP Scholar - Emma Berkinblit, Alex Cleveland, Madison Davis, Nicholas Leonard, Nicholas Mandly, Sabrina Matos, Clark Mortell, Lucas Rica, Annelise Romero, Madeline Uible, Maryn Washer, Jennifer Yao Headmaster Award (11th Grade, 15-16) - Alex Cleveland, Samantha Els, Samantha Meltzer, Hannah Oenbrink, Philippa Parnevik, Greyson Phillips, Luke Rica, Annelise Romero, Maddy Uible, Ali Walker, Olivia Wilson Headmaster Award (10th Grade, 15-16) - Drew Aaron, Samar Ahmed, Claire Barber, Kylin Cao, Melissa Coolidge, Chloe Janson, Maddy Minelli, Claire Pittman, Sophia Siegel, Alex Starkand, Celia Walsh, Alex Wood Headmaster Award (9th Grade, 15-16) - Noah Kalter, Nicole Malecka, Anna McGovern, Olivia Siegel, Gabriel Tettamanti, Grace Wilson Headmaster Award (8th Grade 15-16) - Maria Di Egidio, Zachary Ehrlich, Aliya French, Hallie Isdaner, Maddy McDonald, Lucas Pereira, Ryan Renz, Addi Textor Headmaster Award (7th Grade, 15-16) - Rachel Goldman, Gracie Hampton, Faith Hill, Jack Squier Headmaster Award (6th Grade 15-16) - Kendall Eaker, John Killgore, Kiele Mader, Andie Smith, Hannah Squier Faculty Award (11th Grade, 15-16) - Emma Berkenblit, Bella Fucigna, Christopher Hecht, Chris Hong, Grace Ma, Nicholas Mandly, Sabrina Matos, Casey Scellato, Erin Spellman, Maryn Washer, Rebecca Wikell, Savanah Wilshire, Jennifer Yao Faculty Award (10th Grade, 15-16) - Ben Aaron, JJ LaCorte, Colby Mortell, Christopher Textor, Michael Wiedner Faculty Award (9th Grade, 15-16) - Aaron Chimelis, Dylan Gordon, Logan Messer, Hayley Starr Faculty Award (8th Grade, 15-16) - William Baratta, Elizabeth Castillo, James Hemmes, Jet Jones, Gabriela Keyes Faculty Award (7th Grade, 15-16) - Ash leigh Duke, Alaya Fagan, Nell Hutchinson, Conner MacDonald, Matilda Small, Ana Torchia, Dylan Tuchon, Stephen Weller Faculty Award (6th Grade, 15-16) - Cade Crook, Michael Di Egidio, Collin Fowle, Fletcher Kennedy, Taylor Kroeger, Joshua LaCorte, Lawson McLeod, Reece Slater, Spencer Stevens, Riley VanSuetendael, Celia Wilson The assembly also included an address by Student Counselor Heidi Coliskey, a performance by the Jazz Ensemble, and a recognition by Director of Admission Beth Lettengarver of her Student Ambassadors. Green School Honor Awarded Again The Pine School has received recognition for being a Green School of Excellence for the third consecutive year. This prestigious distinction is named by Florida Atlantic University and the Pine Jog Environmental Education Center. ldquoThis is a huge accomplishment, rdquo shared Science Department Chair Tessie Kerslake. Kerslake accepted the award alongside history teacher Nathaniel Osborn at a special luncheon held at the West Palm Beach Marriott. The pair coordinated and oversaw the student involvement that led to this honor. The School was awarded this honor for efforts of all the students, staff, and families of the The Pine School for the impressive resume of green happenings. Everything from paper recycling, the Recycled Runway art show, beach clean-ups, and environmental infused curriculum such as soil and water testing all promoted growth of a greener generation and contributed to the recognition. ldquoI am looking forward to documenting all the wonderful green initiatives that the Pine school will accomplish this year, rdquo summed up Kerslake. School Year Starts With Class Retreats The Pine School, in an effort to allow students to bond and reflect upon the coming year, dedicate a full day the first week of school to individual class retreats. Grades 9 through 12 experience various off-campus trips - with Seniors traveling over-night to Lake Wales - while Grades 6-8 enjoy dedicated time on campus. ldquoThese retreats are always such a success because they really give our students a chance, right out of the gate, to connect with each other, rdquo shared Dean of Students Ariel Chimelis. The range of activities covers everything from scavenger hunts, sleeping overnight on campus, and kayaking tours to extreme ropes courses. ldquoBeyond the opportunity to bond, the retreats are a fun way to learn about each other and our surroundings, rdquo added Junior Ali McClimond. The retreats also provide a good book-end for the class trips that Grades 6-12 share together in the spring. First Day Of School Video Pine School students and faculty celebrated the start of a new school-year with a special Opening Cermony and plenty of smiles. Dedicating the year to Learning Through Service - exploring opportunities to grow while giving back - the School community enjoyed an address by Head of School Phyllis Parker. quotIf we each perform simple acts, little by little, we begin to feel and understand the miracle of giving, quot she shared. Best School Year Ever The Pine School administration and faculty committed to a number of pre-planning sessions and workshops to prepare for the coming school-year. ldquoOur Pre-planning week is one of the most important times of our year as we have the chance to come together as a team and ready ourselves for the year ahead, rdquo shared Assistant Head of School Nathan Washer. ldquoIn addition to getting everyone organized we have the opportunity to share best practices and develop our goals for the year. rdquo ldquoI honestly donrsquot know if Irsquove experienced the overwhelming feeling of community that I have felt at The Pine School, rdquo added new K-5 Curriculum Enrichment Specialist Suzanne Otero. ldquoI am honored to be a part of this caring, dynamic group of men and women who are together creating an innovative vision and plan for the education of our children. rdquo Faculty worked on a number of issues including effective classroom approaches and the latest in technology. The time together also allowed faculty to share opportunities to share summer professional development - including a group that attended the Project Zero Classroom workshops at Harvard. ldquoTo put it simply, The Pine School has never been on as solid footing on every front - from the quality of our faculty to our financial standing - as we are as we approach this coming year, rdquo summed up Head of School Phyllis Parker. ldquoI am confident that this will be the best year in the Schoolrsquos long historyrdquo Teachers Attend STEM Conference In Denver Physics and math teacher Karlheinz Haas and new math teacher Laura Brantley recently traveled to Denver, Colorado to attend the 5th annual NSTA-STEM Forum amp Expo. The Forum amp Expo focused on teacher sessions and panel presentations designed to provide participants with information and lessons to enable them to explore, begin, or tweak a STEM initiative within their own school or district. Attendees had the opportunity to attend several interactive sessions on how STEM can be implemented, applied, and sustained. The conference also featured keynote speakers and opportunities to attend panel discussions with experts in the field as well as networking time with STEM educators from around the United States and the world. In addition to attending, Haas was invited by NSTA to present two sessions of his own at the conference, allowing him to share some of the exciting things happening in The Pine Schoolrsquos science and math program with fellow educators. Time was also dedicated to exploring ways to best ensure that students develop a solid foundation in the STEM areas so that they are prepared to both work and live in the 21st century. ldquoAs we are preparing high school students, we absolutely have to expose them to a variety of careers in the STEM fields, rdquo shared Haas. ldquoTraditionally, high school STEM content is being taught in isolation of other areas of study. Now, Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics must be more effectively integrated and delivered in meaningful ways. rdquo The conference attendance was made possible through one of our Parent Associationrsquos generous professional development grants. Haas is already looking forward to next summerrsquos conference, hoping the near-by location of Orlando will make it possible for more Pine School teachers to attend. Arts Chair Attends Harvard Arts Institue Fine Arts Department Chair Steve Naumann attended the Harvard Graduate School of EducationThe Arts and Passion-Driven Learning Institute. Attendees of the intimate conference (only 108 educators from around the world were admitted) spent time in seminars, workshops, and discussion groups deepening understanding of how learning takes place in and through the arts. ldquoI39ve already spent hours pouring over my notes and sketches from the institute and feel like I39m only scratching the surface of the potential wealth of knowledge that was shared with me, rdquo said Naumann. The institute consisted of school administrators, art directors, language arts teachers, education consultants, and arts teachers of all kinds. Together they examined the role of passion in learning and the unique capacity of the arts to inspire passion-driven learning and meaningful connections to ourselves, our community, and the world around us. quotWe39re trying to help students develop the tools that will make them eager, rather than fearful to meet the world they don39t know, rdquo shared Artistic Director Yo-Yo Ma. Ma performed at the conference with his Silkwood Ensemble. Faculty Attend Project Zero Program At Harvard Ten members of The Pine School faculty spent a week at Project Zero Classroom - a program through the Harvard Graduate School of Education. The program was attended by over three hundred educators, administrators, and program directors from around the world. This marked the second year The Pine School has sent a group to participate. ldquoAs we continue to grow and develop as a School, it is vitally important for us to use the teachings of Project Zero Classroom to create an environment for our students that promotes deep understanding through multiple perspectives and meaningful reflections, rdquo shared History Department Head and newly named Academic Dean Sean Carlson. This was Carlsonrsquos second year attending the program. ldquoKnowing the terrain, I was able to dive deeper into the ideas and believe that I can enhance our School39s connection to PZC ideas through meaningful discussions with faculty, students, and parents. rdquo Project Zero Classroom provides educators with an opportunity to hear from world renowned educational researchers, including PZC Directors Howard Gardner and David Perkins, in large group sessions and smaller mini-courses. The overarching theme of the week dealt with how schools build a culture that allows educators to teach for deeper understanding in their students. Project Zero researchers presented their advances for 21st Century learning through the various programs that they sponsor, including Out of Eden Learn, The Good Project, Visible Thinking, Culture of Thinking, Agency by Design, and Pedagogy of Play. In addition to Carlson, this yearrsquos group from The Pine School included Foreign Language Department Head Kelly Kelly, K-5 Curriculum Specialist Suzanne Otero, Academic Specialist Lea McCarthy, Kindergarten teacher Diane Hollowell, 6th Grade teacher Justine Habicht, Middle School Coordinator Sarah Visagie, math teacher Jen Metzger, Dean of Students Ariel Chimelis, and art teacher Maria Miele. ldquoI am inspired and hopeful after a week at Project Zero, rdquo summed up Kelly Kelly. ldquoIt was an honor to work beside so many creative and passionate teachers. I am grateful that The Pine School values these growth opportunities for its teachers and there is no doubt that I will weave the numerous tools I learned into my instruction. Children definitely grow into the intellectual life around them. rdquo Students Travel To South Africa A Pine School group of twenty-two students and four chaperones traveled to South Africa for the unique opportunity to explore the beauty of that country while also learning about their cultures. ldquoBecause of this trip I already crave more travel experiences and knowledge, rdquo shared Annelise Romero lsquo17. ldquoThat is the beauty of these trips - they make students addicted to the world and obsessed with experiencing it. rdquo ldquoMy eyes were definitely opened to a myriad of different cultures, rdquo agreed Alex Cleveland lsquo17. ldquoThis trip pushed me out of my comfort zone in positive ways that helped me learn so much about myself. rdquo The group enjoyed a wide range of activities including a rugby match, a chance to cage dive at Gaansbaai with Great White sharks, an elephant back safari, bungee jumping from the highest commercial jump in the world, a visit to the Daniel Cheetah Sanctuary, and a big game African safari. Time was also allotted for a meaningful service project at the Roodebloem School in Graaff-Reinet. Pine School students shopped for and delivered items that Roodebloem students wished for in a writing exercise. There was also had time to play and dance with the kids. ldquoA highlight for me was visiting the school and seeing the children39s faces light up when we brought them a few gifts they wished for - there wasn39t a dry eye in the room, rdquo said Melissa Coolidge lsquo18. ldquoThe South Africa trip was the ultimate trip of a lifetime. rdquo ldquoThere are no words to describe the impact and growth that the South Africa trip had on all of us, students and teachers alike, rdquo summed up trip chaperone and Head of the Science Department Tessie Kerslake. ldquoWe all gained a greater understanding of not only ourselves but about our place in this wild world. Experience is the greatest teacher and all of us are wiser thanks to this amazing journey. rdquo With the next school year mere months away, there are several items we want to share with you that should be addressed over the summer. All of these are availale on our Summer Materials page on our website. Summer Reading Lists Athletic Information, including FHSAA required forms for sports participation (Grades 5-12 - Must be done before attending practice) Medical Information Needed to Enter School School Supply Lists School Store Pre-order Form Technology Device Options and Registration Procedures (All students 6-12 need a device) Textbook Purchasing information Updated 2016-17 Calendar Highlights New Parent Survival Guide Pine School Hosts STEM Workshop The Pine School hosted a workshop offered by Texas Instruments. Designed for Middle School and High School Science and Mathematics teachers, the workshop explored STEM content focused on experimental engineering design, data collection, analysis and mathematical modeling with TI-Nspiretrade technology. Several Pine School teachers as well math and science teachers from as far as Daytona Beach participated in the activities that challenged them to apply STEM practices to problem-solving scenarios involving the physical sciences, life sciences, and earth amp space sciences. quotIt is the kind of workshop that underscores The Pine School39s commitment to move forward with a more interdisciplinary approach to teaching amp learning and toward a more integrated and theme-based curriculum, quot said Karlheinz Haas, US Physics and Math teacher and one of TI39s T3 Instructors, who hosted and presented the workshop. quotIt was great to see the enthusiasm and active engagement by all the the participants, and hear them say that they can39t wait to go back to their classrooms and try some of the news things they learned over the course of these two days. quot Summer Of Service During her Annual Meeting address, Head of School Phyllis Parker stressed the importance of Learning Through Service - a trait that Knights take seriously. The Pine School has a long-standing tradition of giving back and this summer will be no exception. Call it quotThe Summer of Servicequot TPSSummerOfService So, instead of the normal summer vacation photos, we are asking everyone to share photos of you and your family participating in any kind of service project - here in the Treasure Coast or elsewhere. Email photos amp info to Director of Communication Robert Ankrom - newsthepineschool. org We will post to social media throughout the summer. We will also share information about opportunities to participate in service projects that are happening in our community. We wish everyone a safe and relaxing summer vacation and look forward to being inspired by all the ways our School community helps make the world a better place. Graduation - Class of 2016 On Saturday, June 4th, the Class of 2016 (the first Class to lead the K-12 School on one campus) celebrated Graduation from The Pine School and transitioned into alumni. This momentous event began with a beautiful Baccalaureate at St. Christopherrsquos Church Friday evening. Selected by her class, Niya Aldersberg also gave a beautiful speech filled with sentiments about her Pine School family and advice for the future. quotWhat has happened in the past cannot change. There is also hope in the unseen future, but it is in the present that you39ll find the adventure in every waking moment, quot she shared. Both community leader Jean Laws-Scott and Fine Arts Head Steve Naumann delivered addresses that were meaningful and funny, while Seniors Marco Lahmar and Emily Rynasko both performed numbers - reminding all of their exceptional talents. Graduation (following the next morning) kicked off with the tradition of the alumni pinning. Alumni (including recent graduates and faculty who attended The Pine School) pinned all 31 Seniors, symbolizing their transition to alumni. The Class and guests were treated to thoughtful and well-delivered commencement addresses by Seniors Davis Reed and Callum Brown - both offered touching reflections of their time at The Pine School and the closeness of their Class. Senior Grace Baum introduced Commencement Speaker - Emmy-winning writer and author Brian Brown - who shared his experiences in covering various Olympic events (specifically marathons) to offer inspiration and support to the challenges and successes the graduates will face as they move forward in their lives. Each member of the Class then received their diplomas to the cheers of family and friends. The Rose Ceremony followed. This Pine School tradition allows each member of the graduating Class to give a single rose to a person that has helped them immensely in their journey. Paired with a beautiful song performed by Sophomore, Chloe Janson, this touching moment left no dry eye in the house. This sentimental and meaningful expression of gratitude was a perfect way for the Class of 2016 to deliver and express their thanks and love to the recipients. With tassels now on the left and diplomas in their hands, the Seniors made their way to the courtyard to toss their caps, the last step of Graduation. Thus, with the colorful caps (adorned with the various college logos students had been accepted to) flying through the sky, the memorable ceremony came to a close. Evening of Academic Excellence 2016 The Pine School community joined for an opportunity to recognize and honor those students who excelled on academic fronts during the 2015-2016 school year. ldquoTonight, we aim to acknowledge excellence, rdquo shared K-12 Director Nathan Washer. ldquoThe students who will be recognized this evening have demonstrated work ethic and dedication exemplifying academic distinction. rdquo ldquoStudents, your teachers, parents and family are proud of you, rdquo added Head of School Phyllis Parker. ldquoStudying at TPS is not easy and we expect much from each of you. Your achievements in the classrooms, the art studios, and the playing fields all exemplify the excellence we ask for and received. rdquo ldquoBook awards are for juniors and are given by colleges and universities to help cultivate interest and provide name recognition, rdquo summed up Director of College Counseling Janet Pacifico. ldquoCriteria vary from leadership, activities, writing, intellectual engagement and commitment to the community. rdquo Brown University - Olivia Wilson Dartmouth College - Samantha Els Sewanee - Emma Berkenblit Johns Hopkins University - Luke Rica University of Pennsylvania - Hannah Oenbrink Harvard University - Ali Walker Agnes Scott College - Bella Fucigna Rollins College - Alex Cleveland Boston College - Samantha Meltzer National AP Scholars Niya Adlersberg Anna Perelli-Minetti Jackie Steinhauer AP Scholar with Honors Olivia Brogdon AP Scholar with Distinction Grace Baum English Awards 9th Grade - Anna McGovern 10th Grade - Claire Barber 11th Grade - Emma Berkenblit 12th Grade - Katherine McGovern Pat Stuart English Award ndash Philippa Parnevik Math Awards 9th Grade - Gabe Tettamanti 10th Grade - Celia Walsh 11th Grade - Ali Walker 12th Grade - Grace Baum Eulerrsquos Award of Mathematics Achievement - Mia Isdaner Science Awards 9th Grade - Nicole Malecka 10th Grade - Alex Starkand 11th Grade - Hannah Oenbrink 12th Grade - Anna Perelli-Minetti The Jonas Salk Science Award - Ali Walker World Language Awards 9th Grade - Noah Kalter 10th Grade - Drew Aaron 11th Grade - Alex Cleveland 12th Grade - Lillie Miller Jose Marti World Language Award - Milann Cox History Awards 9th Grade - Aaron Chimelis 10th Grade - Melissa Coolidge 11th Grade - Olivia Wilson 12th Grade - Olivia Brogdon Hugh Willoughby History Award - Lillie Miller Performing Arts Awards 10th Grade Vocal Award - Emily Smith 11th Grade Vocal Award - Greyson Phillips 12th Grade Vocal Award - Marco Lahmar. 9th Grade Instrumental Award - Matthew Powers 10th Grade Instrumental Award - Alex Wood 11th Grade Instrumental Award - Nicholas Leonard Visual Arts Awards 9th Grade - Ryan Ehrlich 10th Grade - Nicole Cappellino 11th Grade - Chris Hong 12th Grade - Yvonne Zhou Digital Art Award ndash Drew Starr Publication Award - Ali McClimond High School Drama Award - Ryan Chimelis Ernie amp Helen Berlin Award for Excellence in the Performing Arts - Emily Rynasko Service and Spirit Award - Ali Denney Community Achievement Awards 9th Grade - Aaron Chimelis 10th Grade - Claire Barber 11th Grade - Clark Mortell 12th Grade - Milann Cox ldquoThe Pine Schoolrsquos Prefect Program drives the importance of student-led leadership, rdquo shared K-12 Assistant Director Garry Sullivan. ldquoThese students take on an unique responsibility in truly driving the culture and commitment of involvement at our School. rdquo Prefects and Deputy Prefects for 2016-17 School Year Head Prefects Clark Mortell and Maryn Washer Ambassador Prefects Prefect: Ali Walker Deputy: Melissa Coolidge Outreach Prefects Prefect: Isabella Fucigna Deputy: Claire Barber Student Life Prefects Prefect: Luke Rica Deputy: Christopher Textor Environmental Prefects Prefect: Erin Spellman Deputy: Drew Aaron Communications Prefects Prefect: Alexandra Cleveland Deputy: Ali McClimond U-Knight Prefects Prefect: Nicholas Mandly Deputy: Claire Pittman Fine Arts Prefects Prefect: Olivia Wilson Deputy: Chloe Janson Athletic Leadership Prefects Prefect: Sam Els Deputy: John LaCorte Academic Achievement Awards ldquoThis award signifies a student who has a genuine love of learning, one who demonstrates a passion for all subjects and very characteristically takes their inquiry to the next level, including a seriousn ess of purpose, adding contributions to each class and demonstrating sophistication of thinking, rdquo shared Washer. 9th Grade - Gabe Tettamanti 10th Grade - Maddy Minelli 11th Grade - Ali Walker 12th Grade - Olivia Brogdon Lifer Award (ldquoA Knight since Kindergartenrdquo) - Callum Brown ldquoThe Headmasterrsquos Award is given to the Senior who is an outstanding role model in academic, spiritual, and arts and athletic areas and who positively influences both faculty and students on a consistent basis, rdquo said Parker. Headmasterrsquos Award - Niya Adlersberg ldquoThe Potsdam Award is the highest award given at TPS. This student has shown exemplary academic, spiritual, and athletic leadership in both the classroom and on the playing field, rdquo shared Parker. Potsdam Award - Robert Camp Athletics Honored With A Number Of Recognitions The Pine School recently received an impressive range of Athletic honors including three student-athletes being named as TC Palmrsquos Athlete of the Year. ldquoI cannot express how ecstatic I am over the fact that a small school like ours can produce so many fine student-athletes, rdquo shared Athletic Director Matt Sofarelli. Senior Ali Denney (Volleyball) and Sophomores Claire Barber (Cross Country) amp Garrett Barber (Golf) each earned the title of being named Athlete of the Year by TC Palm PrepZone while two additional Pine School athletes were nominated for this honor - Bella Fucigna (Girls Track) and Chase Hyland (Boys Cross Country). Additionally, Seniors Niya Adlersberg and Bobby Camp were both also selected as All-Around Athletes of the Year for The Pine School. The announcement was made during a special awards ceremony held in Fort Pierce and included nominees from all Treasure Coast schools regardless of size. Additionally, Middle School was awarded the MCAC Championship trophy which is based on a point system between schools in the Mid Coast Athletic Conference. The winner is calculated through standings for every sport at the Middle School level. ldquoI am extremely proud of the success that The Pine School has had athletically and look forward to even more success in the future, rdquo summed up Sofarelli. Students Graduate Year-Long Leadership Program Leadership has always been a strong component of The Pine Schoolrsquos approach to education. This year, five Pine School students (Julie Afshar, Melissa Coolidge, Erin Spellman, C. J. Walsh, amp Alex Wood) participated in Martin Youth Leadership. ldquoSince 2007 The Pine School has participated in the Martin Youth Leadership Program each year, rdquo shared Director of Admission Beth Lettengarver who served as both The Pine Schoolrsquos liaison and a member of the Youth Leadership planning committee. ldquoIt has proven to be such a great opportunity for our students to not only develop leadership skills, but to learn about our community and get to know students from all over Martin County. rdquo Hosted by the Martin CountyStuart Chamber of Commerce, the year-long (a full day each month) program explores different components of life in Martin County while focusing on ways to get more involved and serve as a community leader. ldquoMartin Youth Leadership has, first and foremost, given me the experience and confidence to be comfortable leading a group of people, rdquo shared rising Junior Melissa Coolidge. ldquoIt has also prepared me to be a better leader as an upperclassman because the program has made me more confident and has taught me how to use my skills to work with a group to reach a common goal. rdquo Honors Assemblies Recognize Student Achievements The Pine School celebrated all of the various academic, artistic, and athletic achievements of students through individual focused Honors Assemblies for 3-5 Grade and Middle School. ldquoWe take this time to celebrate our collective passion to educate and raise young men and women, who will become our hope for the future, and ultimately, adults that the world can and will depend on, rdquo shared K-12 Director Nathan Washer. ldquoHonor, integrity, accountability, a strong work ethic and the encouragement to achieve onersquos personal best are all important parts of our core curriculum and everyday activities at The Pine School. rdquo 3rd Grade - Shelby Carlstrom 4th Grade - Clark Stroh 5th Grade - Mac Cummings 6th Grade - Riley Van Suetendael 7th Grade - Rachel Goldman 8th Grade - Toby Tettamanti 3rd Grade - Madeline McElroy 4th Grade - Philip Harris 5th Grade - Lilly Parr 6th Grade - Ava Burke 7th Grade - Ana Torchia 8th Grade - Zachary Ehrlich 6th Grade - Stella Betancourt 7th Grade - Liam Fitz 8th Grade - Maddy McDonald 3rd Grade - Christina Shute 4th Grade - Reese Habicht 5th Grade - Fiona Ankrom 3rd Grade - Ryann McLeod 4th Grade - Bella Krastel 5th Grade - Kate Parr 6th Grade - Ava Burck 7th Grade - Jack Squier 3rd Grade - Brody Metzger 4th Grade - Brock MacArthur 5th Grade - Grace Kennedy 6th Grade - Lawson Mcleod 7th Grade - Gracie Hampton 8th Grade - Chloe Munson 3rd Grade - Lili Krastel 4th Grade - Caroline Smith 5th Grade - Derek Paredes 6th Grade - Carolyn Smith 7th Grade - Faith Hill 8th Grade - Maria Di Egidio 3rd Grade - Gabby Benedetti 4th Grade - Jackson Smith 5th Grade - Sterling Pearson 6th Grade - Kiele Mader 7th Grade - Teagan Habicht 8th Grade - Emma Subin 6th Grade - Hannah Squier 7th Grade - Dylan Tuchon 8th Grade - Gabriela Keys 7th Grade - Carly Collins and Aubee Billie 3rd Grade - Isabela Adler 4th Grade - Campbell McCarthy 5th Grade - Sandy Hardin 6th Grade - Reece Slater and Celia Wilson 7th Grade - Jack Stracuzzi and Ashley Duke 8th Grade - James Hemmes and Claire Schirmer 3rd Grade - Ryann McLeod amp Jace Jodzio 4th grade - Reese Habicht amp Teddy Thompson 5th Grade - Lauren Duke amp Shiv Patel 6th Grade - Michael Di Egidio and Andie Smith 7th Grade - Liam Fitz and Olivia Bertolo 8th Grade - Addison Textor and Aliya French Outstanding Safety Patroller - Julia Glasco (5th Grade) 6th Grade - John Killgore and Lily Cave 7th Grade - Finley Foster and Teagan Hab icht 8th Grade - Jet Jones and Callie Hardin 6th Grade - Eva Sullivan and Joshua LaCorte 7th Grade - Aubee Billie and Tate Small 8th Grade - Anna Karavangelos and William Baratta 3rd Grade - Luke Altschuler amp Kinslee Ewing 4th grade - Jake Kroeger amp Bella Krastel 5th Grade - Aiden Skelly amp Sandy Hardin Spirit Of Learning Award - Zoe Freedman (5th Grade) Middle School Environmental Steward Award - Allison Sanchez Pine Scholarship - Lucas Pereira ldquoPine Scholarships have been offered to new and returning students in the rising 9th grade since 2008,rdquo shared Director of Admission Beth Lettengarver. ldquo Award winners must be capable of exceptional academic work, have a strong track record of achievement, and distinguish themselves in the arts, athletics, community service and leadership. rdquo Exceptional Student Award - 6th Grade - Hannah Squier 7th Grade - Dylan Tuchon Ashley Carroll Writing Award - Sarah Abraham Dale Hudson Community Service Award - Ryan Renz Jeff Bruner Athletic Award - Jack Posey Athletic Maturity - Hallie Isdaner Arthur A. Smith Spiritual Award - Gabriela Keyes Academic Maturity - Lucas Pereira Headmaster Award - Maddy McDonald (8th Grade) ldquoThis award is given to that 8th grade student who is an outstanding role model in academic, spiritual, and athletic areas, and who positively influences both faculty and students alike on a daily basis, rdquo shared Head of School Phyllis Parker. New Board Faculty Members Announced The Pine School is proud to welcome the following Board and Faculty members into our School community. quotThese additions, on top of our already stellar group of faculty and leacdership, represent significant moves in continuing to make The Pine School the strongest school it can be, quot shared Head of School Phyllis Parker. Booster Club Golf Tournament Success The 17th Annual Pine School Booster Club Golf Tournament was recently held at the Hobe Sound Golf Club. A total of 60 golfers teed up and were treated to some amazing weather. ldquoWe had an incredible day and it was wonderful to have Freddie Jacobson play in support of the School, rdquo shared Director of Development Kelly Hilton Green. Winning Team (Low Net Score) - Ed Armstrong, Michael Ferrera Snr., Mike Ferrera, amp Tony Kalil Winning Team (Low Gross Score) - Wendell Cave, Ralph Dakin, Sean Dakin, amp Andie Smith Longest Drive - Ed Armstrong Closest to the Pin - Andie Smith Putting Contest - Ralph Dakin Thank you to Title Sponsors Florida Living Realty and The Jacobson Family. The Parnevik family generously sponsored golf carts for the day. Thanks also to Tom Yeager and his team at Hobe Sound Golf Club for their incredible hospitality. The Pine School Tops Great Give Locally The Pine School would like to extend huge thanks to everyone who contributed in making the Great Give a truly GREAT day for the School. 119 donations were received totaling 118,975 (more than doubling last year39s total). This firmly placed The Pine School at the top of both the Martin and Palm Beach County totals (with over 500 non-profits participating). quotThe support for The Pine School from our families and friends has been phenomenal - we set ourselves some tough goals in terms of this years event and achieved them all, quot shared Director of Development Kelly Hilton-Green. Blue Wins Back Title At Annual Field Day The Pine School held itrsquos annual Field Day and though both Blue amp Gold fought fiercely through a wide range of contests - from an obstacle course to the infamous tug-of-war - Blue was victorious and took back the trophy Gold earned last year. ldquoField Day represents the closeness of our School community in so many positive ways, rdquo shared Head of School Phyllis Parker. The day also provided an opportunity to celebrate faculty in a number of ways. Tamara Litterick and Dina Scellato were named as Teachers of the Year. The Parent Association also named the recipients of the Professional Development Scholarship Awards - Robert Ankrom, Susan Buys, Ariel Chimelis, Kristen Davis, Karlheinz Haas, Justine Habicht, Tamara Litterick, Jennifer Metzger, Steve Naumann, and Nathan Washer. Recycled Runway Showcases Fashion Art The Pine Schoolrsquos art students jump started Earth Day celebrations with another installment of their annual Recycled Runway fashion show. This Visual Art Department tradition challenges students to create designs around otherwise disposed of materials. The event has become more innovative through the years and this year was no exception. The show became a school-wide affair with Kindergarten through Fifth Grade lining the runway to enjoy the show and even a few of our younger Knights serving as models for the many unique creations. ldquoThe engineering and design aspect of the runway show is an integral part of our studio art classes, rdquo shared art teacher Maria Miele. ldquoI love that our community looks forward to seeing the show and truly appreciate the efforts of all involved. rdquo Track Field Wins Big At District Championships Competing against schools that have thirty kids, the seven-strong Boys Team earned a District Runner-Up Title. Team members shined in snagging Individual District Championships as well - Kurtis Thornton 3916 won every event he competed in - Long Jump, Triple Jump, 100m Hurdles, amp 300m Hurdles Chase Hyland 3917 won every event he competed in - 800m, 1600m, amp 3200m Bella Fucigna 3917 - Pole Vault Claire Barber 3918 - 1600m Annelise Romero 3917 - 300m hurdles quotDespite some challenges this small but mighty team once again showed up in force, quot shared Coach Ashley Jenkins. Senior Athletes Sign To Division 1 Schools A special community meeting ceremony was held to recognize the four Pine School Senior Athletes that have signed to compete at the Division 1 level in their respective college choices. Ali Denney has signed with the University of South Carolina to play Beach Volleyball. Ali is a four-year Varsity letter winner and has been honored as a two-time MVP, a four-time All-Area team member, and holds practically every Pine School Volleyball record. Jake Holt will be playing Golf for Siena College. Jake is a four-year Varsity letter winner, holds The Pine School 9-hole record for 36.2, has been named an All-Area team member for past three years, and has been named by TCPalm as a two-time MVP. Marco Lahmar is attending the University of New Mexico to play Golf. Marco is a three-time Regional Champion and has been ranked in the Top Ten in France Nationally for under 18. Caroline Schirmer has signed with Auburn for Swimming. Caroline is a three-year Varsity swimmer, has qualified for States the past four years, placed 8th or better all four years, is an Academic All-American, and holds both the 200 and 500 freestyle records for The Pine School. quotThe Pine School faculty, staff and administration are extremely proud of these four athletes, rdquo shared Athletic Director Matt Sofarelli. ldquoWe wish them good luck and thank them for representing our school with dignity, dedication and integrity on and off the field. quot Green School Of Quality Third Year In A Row For the third year in a row, The Pine School has been named as a Green School of Quality. This prestigious distinction is named by Florida Atlantic University and the Pine Jog Environmental Education Center. The recognition, which highlights various efforts by a school to demonstrate a commitment to strong Earth-friendly practices and sustainability, is awarded annually following a thorough review process. Spearheaded by Middle School Science teacher Tessie Kerslake, The Pine Schoolrsquos commitment to recycling, a community garden, and itrsquos annual recycled runway art show were all contributing factors in this honor being bestowed. ldquoSpecial congratulations should go to the Environmental Prefect committee lead by President Emily Ryanasko, rdquo shared Kerslake. ldquoWe want to encourage TPS community to continue to think and live Green. rdquo Pine School Celebrates Honors Society Inductees The Pine School held special ceremonies to induct students into the National Honors Society and National Junior Honors Society this week. ldquoThe Pine School looks to these deserving students to be our future leaders here and we know they will accomplish for our school and local community, rdquo shared NJHS Sponsor Tessie Kerslake. Those students inducted into the National Honors Society are: Benjamin Aaron, Drew Aaron, Samar Ahmed, Claire Barber, Garrett Barber, Kylin Cao, Melissa Coolidge, Chris Hong, Mia Isdaner, Chloe Janson, John LaCorte, Marco Lahmar, Nicholas Leonard, Grace Ma, Sabrina Matos, Ottie McCullum, Madison Minelli, Colby Mortell, Claire Pittman, Grace Pittman, Kayla Prolow, Sophia Siegel, Alex Starkand, Christopher Textor, Madeleine Uible, Celia-Jean Walsh, Alex Wood, and Jennifer Yang. Those students inducted into the National Junior Honors Society are: Ryan Decina, Rachel Goldman, Gracie Hampton, Faith Hill, Matilda Small, Jack Squier, Ana Torchia, and Stephen Weller. Pine School Announces Million Dollar Gift The Pine School is excited to announce that it is the recipient of an anonymous 1,000,000 gift towards the Capital Campaign. The Schoolrsquos uKnight Campaign continues to be successful in efforts to complete a multi-use space. The gift moves total donations and pledges to nearly 70 of the Campaign Goal. quotThe best part of reaching this benchmark is that we hope to begin the long, involved process of adding to our site plan with the Martin County Board of Commissioners as early as this summer, quot shared Director of Developmet Kelly Hilton-Green. quotI know I speak for Chairs Don Mader and Ramsey Small when I say that we are feeling extremely positive about the efforts so far and thank those families that have stepped forward to support the vision of the School, quot added Head of School Phyllis Parker. Students Honored With Congressional Awards Mary Powers (3917) earned the Congressional Award Gold Medal Hannah Oenbrink (3917) and Alex Wood (3918) earned the Congressional Award Silver Medal. ldquoThe young people who are recognized for Congressional Medals are the leaders of tomorrow and understand the importance of personal improvement and service to our communities, rdquo summed up Head of School Phyllis Parker who attended the ceremony along with Congressman Patrick E. Murphy. Track Team To Compete On ESPN Eleven members of The Pine Schoolrsquos track team have qualified to participate in the prestigious Pepsi Track Relay Track amp Field Meet held at the University of Florida March 31st-April 2nd. Those competing are Niya Adlersberg, Jonathan Atz, Claire Barber, Callum Brown, Bella Fucigna, Chase Hyland, Tori Melby, Annelise Romero, Erin Spellman, Christopher Textor, and Kurtis Thornton. quotI am very excited for these athletes to be selected for such an incredible opportunity, quot shared Track Coach Ashley Jenkins. The entire meet will be available on the SEC ESPN network. While there isnrsquot an available breakdown of exactly what events the network will air, all event times are listed below. Junior Chase Hyland will compete in the Elite Invite Mile - with only 18 chosen to compete from hundreds of entries. This race is Friday 8:10pm and will be aired in itrsquos entirety. 5:00pm race time: Claire Barber (1600m) 5:30pm: Christopher Textor (1600m) 6:00pm: Annelise Romero (100m) 6:30pm: Kurtis Thornton (110mH) 6:50pm: Claire Barber (800m) 7:20pm: Chase Hyland amp Christopher Textor (800m) 7:50pm: Erin Spellman (3200m) 8:30pm: Chase Hyland (3200m) 10:00am start time: Kurtis Thornton (Triple Jump), Jonathan Atz (High Jump), Bella Fucigna (Pole Vault) 1:00pm: FINALS of 110mH - If Qualifies 1:15pm: FINALS of 100m - If Qualifies 8:10pm: Chase (Invite Elite 1600m) Race will be fully covered on ESPN 9:00am start time: Girls 4x400m Relay (Tori Spellman, Annelise Romero, Niya Adlersberg, amp Claire Barber) 9:45am: Boys 4x400m Relay (Chase Hyland, Callum Brown, Kurtis Thornton, amp Christopher Textor) 5:25pm: FINALS of Girls 4x400m Relay - If Qualify 5:35pm: FINALS of Boys 4x400m Relay - If Qualify 5th Grade Class Has Special Visitor Lisa Vrana and Charles Wardrsquos 5th Grade English class were visited by Park Vista High School senior Mikal Bartosik. Bartosik has received attention after a video of her asking a student with special needs to prom went viral. The 5th Graders found a special connection with this local story after reading the book ldquoWonderrdquo by R. J. Palacio - a story which revolves around a child with special needs. To bridge the connection, the entire 5th Grade class wrote individual letters to Bartosik to share their feelings and to show support for her actions. Accompanied by Park Vista Principal Reggie Myers and her cheerleading coach Jeanne Ladner, Bartosik expressed her thanks and fielded questions from the students. The class gifted Bartosik with a copy of ldquoWonderrdquo signed by each of them. ldquoMikal really made a huge impact with our students, rdquo Vrana shared. History Teacher Releases Book On Indian River Lagoon History teacher Nathaniel Osborn has just celebrated the release of his book Indian River Lagoon: An Environmental History. A special Book Release Party on Friday, March 11 7pm at the U. S. Sailing Center in Jensen Beach. ldquoWorking on this project was a rich and deeply satisfying, rdquo shared Osborn. ldquoI am flattered by the reception the book has received thus far. rdquo Osborn also coaches the Pine Schoolrsquos Varsity Sailing Team, contributed to efforts in having The Pine School named a Green School in Martin County and was recently named as the Chairman of Martin Countyrsquos Preservation Board. ldquoThere are a lot of reasons to be discouraged about the long-term outlook for this peninsula, rdquo summed up Osborn. ldquoThis book is part of my contribution to promote efforts to protect what remains. rdquo Senior Wins Vocal Competition Senior Emily Rynasko has won 1st Place at the quotWatch A Rising Starquot Vocal Competition. Competing against 26 of the top student performers from Martin amp Palm Beach Counties, Emily secured her title in the finals after singing a solo number and a duet. Emily was the recent star of The Pine Schoolrsquos annual musical ldquoLegally Blonderdquo and has performed professionally with the Maltz Jupiter Theater. 1st place comes with a 5,000 award and Emily will be asked back to sing the opening number at next yearrsquos competition. Debate Team Travels To Harvard All ten members of The Pine Schoolrsquos debate team traveled to participate in the Congress Debate at the Harvard National Forensics Tournament, one of the most prestigious tournaments in all of the national high school competitions. Our team gained a lot of experience in policies that are very current within our society, rdquo shared debate team sponsor and English teacher Ashley Jenkins. ldquoTheir strong character represented The Pine School well every step of the way during our trip. rdquo The team submitted and debated three original bills (removing quotGodquot from the Pledge, a bill to ban for-profit prisons, and the mandating of payment to college athletes). These bills were among eight original bills that the team wrote, and were chosen to submit for the Harvard tournament. ldquoThe competition level was exceptional, rdquo shared sophomore Christopher Textor. ldquoThe experience has really provided me with the tools to move forward from this in meaningful ways. rdquo ldquoThe trip really made me realize what a great Pine School family I am part of, rdquo added sophomore Sophia Siegel. The team39s season is now over but there is already talk of attending the tournament at Stanford next fall. The team is also in the process of gathering material for jury selection next week for their recreation of the Netflix documentary quotMaking A Murdererquot. Students Support Local Non-Profit The Pine School39s Outreach Prefect Committee led a successful campaign to collect t-shirts that were delivered to Can We Help, Inc. - a local non-profit that strives to provide meals and clothing for the area39s homeless. ldquoI believe that it is important to help those in our community, and supporting this organization seemed like the perfect opportunity, rdquo shared junior Bella Fucigna. ldquoI was thrilled to see that The Pine School community made such an enormous effort to support this cause, and I know their efforts will be much appreciated. rdquo Hundreds of shirts were delivered in the Schoolrsquos ongoing efforts to partner with Can We Help. Spanish Students Visit El Sol Lillian Novoarsquos Spanish IV, V amp AP students traveled to practice their language skills through interview sessions with Hispanic members of the El Sol center. El Sol is a community resource center in Jupiter that, among other things, works with Hispanic members of the community to find suitable employment while becoming more acclimated to life in the United States. Students met in small groups with El Sol workers to ask a series of questions. ldquoI want to go back again soon, rdquo shared junior Samantha Els. ldquoI even got the chance to talk with my interviewee about our mutual interest in soccer. rdquo ldquoThe students had a one of a kind learning experience, rdquo summed up Novoa. ldquoThey enjoyed learning about other members in their community. Thier interest and compassion was evident from the very start. rdquo Music and Art Students Honored The Pine Schoolrsquos Fine Arts Department received exciting new about honors recognizing students of music, art amp photography. In music, 12 TPS students were nominated and chosen to participate along with the finest student instrumentalists in grades 7-12 from Martin, St. Lucie, Okeechobee, and Indian River Counties as part of the 2016 Indian River State College 4-County Honor Band Festival. In just 3 rehearsals, over 3 consecutive days, students worked very hard to put together an amazing program of standard and modern music under the direction of the finest guest conductors in the state. 9-12 Jazz Band - Nicholas Leonard 11-12 Concert Band - Samantha Meltzer 9-10 Concert Band - Noah Kalter, Jordan Pearl, Matthew Powers, Evan Shute, Philip Upton, Celia Walsh and Alex Wood 7-8 Concert Band - William Baratta, Claire Schirmer and Toby Tettamanti quotThis year39s Honor band experience was one for the books, rdquo shared Music Director Ben Hylton. ldquoThe amount of learning that took place over the course of just 3 days was astounding. This exemplifies the level of commitment from our top music students who take music study seriously and have lots of fun along the wayquot Additionally, 9 Art students were recognized by the Regional Scholastic Art Awards. Students who earn a Silver Key or a Gold Key will be displayed at the regional exhibit at Armory Art Center, opening March 5th at 1pm. Juliette Afshar - Silver Key Olivia Brogdon - Honorable Mention Ryan Chimelis - Gold Key and Honorable Mention Phillippa Parnevik - Gold Key amp Silver Key Kalen Rossario - Gold Key and Honorable Mention Emily Rynasko - Gold Key Rebecca Wikell - Silver Key and Honorable Mention Olivia Wilson - Gold Key Wenjie Zhou - Honorable Mention ldquoI39m thrilled and so excited for our kids, rdquo summed up art teacher Maria Miele. ldquoThis is my favorite time of year for these art students and it validates that we are doing the right things in our visual art classes. rdquo English Students Speak With Author Ashley Jenkinrsquos senior Literature class had the unique opportunity to speak with author Jean Hegland through a special Skype session. The class had recently read Heglandrsquos novel Into The Forest. ldquoI have always wanted to teach this novel, rdquo shared Jenkins. It thought that senior Literature would be the perfect class, as they are on the edge of adulthood and finding out about who they are as individuals - much like the main characters in the novel. rdquo In addition to allowing students to ask questions, Hegland also offered Jenkins advice throughout the reading of the novel - sharing thoughts on how to field class discussions around some of the controversial events within the novel. ldquoThis experience showed me that it is tough to really know what the author is thinking or is trying to imply to the reader as we draw conclusions based on our own experiences, rdquo shared senior Mia Isdaner. ldquoIt was neat to be able to share our own inferences, and open her eyes to different outlooks on certain symbols in the book that she had not even thought of before. rdquo Students Attend Plein Air Arts Day Eight Pine School art students were selected to participate in Plein Air Arts Day, an interactive event hosted by the Martin County Arts Council and held in Memorial Park, Downtown Stuart. The day included opportunities for the students to work with working artists in their fields of interest while also gaining advice from artists in other various mediums. ldquoIt was nice to have a day where we can explore our talents while meeting and learning from established artists, rdquo shared sophomore Nicole Cappelleno. ldquoI was able to ask what life is like being a full-time photographer, rdquo added junior Rebecca Wikell. ldquoWe were also given great advice on college to pursue becoming professional artists. rdquo In addition to plenty of time to work on pieces and learn from the mentor artists, the day also included a workshop introduction by artist and former Arts Council Board Chair, Lisa Young. ldquoI always tell students that they always benefit from being exposed to more art, artists and teachers, rdquo said art and photography teacher Maria Miele. ldquoOpportunities like this give students a unique opportunity to learn from professional artists, rdquo summed up Ary Department Head Steve Naumann. ldquoMany of the students are being exposed to media that is new to them. This, coupled with subject matter that is outside of their normal day-to-day classroom environment, helps in developing a well-rounded visual artist. rdquo 100 Years of Cars Triumph The Pine Schoolrsquos 9th annual 100 Years of Cars car show was a tremendous success. Building on a wildly successful 2015 event, and bolstered by a picture-perfect day, over 1,300 visitors attended. ldquoWe are thrilled with the turnout for this yearrsquos car show, it was an incredible success, rdquo shared Director of Development Kelly Hilton-Green. This yearrsquos event saw a 20 increase in car registrations - representing an impressive diversity of showcased cars. Funds raised will support The Pine Schoolrsquos Patriot Scholarship, available for students of veterans or active military personnel. Thank you to our event committee: Ed Davies, Rocky Grady, Bruce MacDonald, Mark Newman, John Payson, and Michael McReynolds. The Pine School would like to also extend special thanks to our Title Sponsor - Audi of Stuart as well as our team of generous event sponsors - Ferrari Maserati Palm Beach, Matilda39s, Southeastern Printing, Wells Fargo, Abbot Downing, Mark and Shari Newman, Palm Beach International Raceway, Wallace Automotive Group, and Rocky amp Henry Grady. The Pine School is already looking forward to celebrating the 10th Anniversary of 100 Years of Cars on The Pine School is thrilled to have hosted this community event for the past nine years, and is already working towards our 10th Anniversary event to be held on January 14, 2017. Happy Holidays from The Pine School Happy Holidays from The Pine School The faculty and staff are so grateful that you entrust your children with us each day. Please enjoy our holiday video and we hope that each and every person is enriched by time with family and friends this holiday season. Student Talent Shines at Winter Concerts The Pine School was treated to two consecutive nights of student talent as both K-5 and 6-12 showcased the wide range of the Schoolrsquos performing arts offerings during their annual Winter Concerts. ldquoIt is amazing how talented our students are, rdquo shared Head of School Phyllis Parker. The K-5 Concert included vocal, instrumental and dance numbers led by John Barnes (K-5 Music Director), Kate Roach (Dance), and Jodi Hirth (Kindergarten music instructor). ldquoThe annual Holiday Concert is a snapshot of what we do each day music, rdquo shared Barnes. ldquoTime is spent on learning about rhythm, melody, harmony and form in a collaborative setting. rdquo The 6-12 Concert, under the direction of Ben Hylton, highlighted various unique musical groups including Knights of Steel, jazz combo, chamber ensemble, and 67 and Middle School bands. John Barnes debuted the small but impressive 6-12 Choir. As an added bonus, K-12 Director joined the chamber ensemble as a guest conductor and Director of Communications helped narrate the show-closing ldquoTwas The Night Before Christmasrdquo. ldquoThese performances stand as a testament to the hard work and commitment of both students and faculty involved, rdquo summed up Head of Fine Arts Steve Naumann.
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